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Madame Lavoisier and the others: women in Marie-Anne Paulze-Lavoisier's network (1771–1836)
Notes and Records ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-13 , DOI: 10.1098/rsnr.2021.0074
Francesca Antonelli 1

Known as a translator and illustrator of chemical texts, Marie-Anne Paulze-Lavoisier (1758–1836) has been often represented as the associate of male savants and especially of her husband, the French chemist Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier. This article explores her biography from a different angle and focuses on her trajectories as a secrétaire; namely, someone whose main charge was to store and exchange information by means of writing. The article investigates the presence of women in Paulze-Lavoisier's network before and after Lavoisier's death in 1794. First, it shows that her work as a secrétaire combined a wide set of writing practices with domestic sociability. Then, it examines how other women contributed to her collaboration with Lavoisier. Finally, it analyses how these relationships changed in the post-revolutionary and Napoleonic era, when Paulze-Lavoisier's role as a secrétaire took on a new meaning.


Lavoisier 夫人和其他人:Marie-Anne Paulze-Lavoisier 网络中的女性 (1771–1836)

Marie-Anne Paulze-Lavoisier (1758–1836) 被称为化学文本的翻译和插图画家,经常被描绘成男性学者的伙伴,尤其是她的丈夫法国化学家 Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier。本文从不同的角度探讨了她的传记,并着重于她作为秘书的轨迹;即,主要负责以书面形式存储和交换信息的人。这篇文章调查了 1794 年拉瓦锡去世前后保尔兹-拉瓦锡网络中女性的存在情况。首先,它表明了她作为秘书的工作将广泛的写作实践与家庭社交相结合。然后,它考察了其他女性如何为她与拉瓦锡的合作做出了贡献。最后,它分析了这些关系在后革命和拿破仑时代是如何变化的,当时保尔兹-拉瓦锡的秘书角色有了新的意义。
