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Self-Trapped Excitons in 2D SnP2S6 Crystal with Intrinsic Structural Distortion
Advanced Functional Materials ( IF 18.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-12 , DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202205757
Yue Zhang 1 , Fakun Wang 2 , Xin Feng 1 , Zheng Zhang 3 , Kailang Liu 1 , Fangfang Xia 1 , Wenxi Liang 3 , Xiaozong Hu 4 , Ying Ma 1 , Huiqiao Li 1 , Guichuan Xing 5 , Tianyou Zhai 1

Exploring and utilizing novel materials with self-trapped excitons (STEs) is highly desired due to their unique physical properties and multiple optoelectronic applications. Here, a 2D SnP2S6 crystal is reported with obvious STEs emission caused by distorted [SnS6]8- and [P2S6]4- octahedral units and strong electron-phonon coupling. The STEs feature wide photoluminescence (PL) spectra range from 600 to 850 nm and a large Stokes redshift of ≈0.6 eV. Carrier dynamics measurements including temperature-dependent PL and transient absorption reveal a large Huang–Rhys factor of ≈18.3 and a self-trapping process of ≈101–103 ps in the 2D SnP2S6 crystal. Such self-trapped states enable 2D SnP2S6 crystal a wide spectral response range and excellent photodetection performance. As a result, high responsivity (22.8 A W-1) and detectivity (3.98 × 1010 Jones) are achieved under 365 nm light illumination. These results provide a deep insight into the photophysical process of STEs, which lays the foundation for developing novel STEs-based materials and optoelectronic devices.


具有本征结构畸变的二维 SnP2S6 晶体中的自陷激子

由于具有独特的物理特性和多种光电应用,因此非常需要探索和利用具有自陷激子 (STE) 的新型材料。在这里,报道了一种二维 SnP 2 S 6晶体,其具有明显的 STEs 发射,这是由扭曲的 [SnS 6 ] 8-和 [P 2 S 6 ] 4-八面体单元和强电子-声子耦合引起的。STE 具有 600 至 850 nm 的宽光致发光 (PL) 光谱范围和约 0.6 eV 的大斯托克斯红移。载流子动力学测量,包括与温度相关的 PL 和瞬态吸收,揭示了 ≈18.3 的大 Huang-Rhys 因子和 ≈10 1 –10 3的自陷过程 ps 在二维 SnP 2 S 6晶体中。这种自陷状态使二维SnP 2 S 6晶体具有宽光谱响应范围和出色的光电探测性能。因此,在 365 nm 光照下实现了高响应度 (22.8 AW -1 ) 和检测率 (3.98 × 10 10 Jones)。这些结果提供了对 STEs 光物理过程的深入了解,为开发新型 STEs 基材料和光电器件奠定了基础。