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Probing the Neutrino-Mass Scale with the KATRIN Experiment
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-09 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-nucl-101920-113013
Alexey Lokhov 1, 2 , Susanne Mertens 3, 4 , Diana S. Parno 5 , Magnus Schlösser 6 , Kathrin Valerius 6

The absolute mass scale of neutrinos is an intriguing open question in contemporary physics. The as-yet-unknown mass of the lightest and, at the same time, most abundant massive elementary particle species bears fundamental relevance to theoretical particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. The most model-independent experimental approach consists of precision measurements of the kinematics of weak decays, notably tritium β decay. With the KATRIN experiment, this direct neutrino-mass measurement has entered the sub-eV domain, recently pushing the upper limit on the electron-based neutrino mass down to 0.8 eV (90% CL) on the basis of first-year data out of ongoing, multiyear operations. Here, we review the experimental apparatus of KATRIN, the progress of data taking, and initial results. While KATRIN is heading toward the target sensitivity of 0.2 eV, other scientific goals are pursued. We discuss the search for light sterile neutrinos and an outlook on future keV-scale sterile-neutrino searches as well as further physics opportunities beyond the Standard Model.


用 KATRIN 实验探测中微子质量尺度

中微子的绝对质量尺度是当代物理学中一个有趣的悬而未决的问题。最轻、同时也是最丰富的大质量基本粒子种类的迄今未知的质量与理论粒子物理学、天体物理学和宇宙学具有根本相关性。最独立于模型的实验方法包括弱衰变(尤其是氚β衰变)运动学的精确测量。通过 KATRIN 实验,这种直接中微子质量测量已进入亚 eV 领域,最近根据第一年的数据将基于电子的中微子质量上限降至 0.8 eV (90% CL)。持续多年的运营。在此,我们回顾一下KATRIN的实验装置、数据采集进展以及初步结果。在 KATRIN 朝着 0.2 eV 的目标灵敏度迈进的同时,我们还在追求其他科学目标。我们讨论了对轻惰性中微子的搜索、对未来 keV 级惰性中微子搜索的展望以及超越标准模型的进一步物理机会。