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The effects of protected areas on the ecological niches of birds and mammals
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-08 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-15949-2
Andrea Santangeli 1 , Stefano Mammola 2, 3 , Aleksi Lehikoinen 4 , Ari Rajasärkkä 5 , Andreas Lindén 6 , Marjo Saastamoinen 1, 7

Protected areas are a cornerstone for biodiversity conservation, and typically support more natural and undisturbed habitats compared to unprotected lands. The effect of protected areas on intra-specific ecological niche has been rarely investigated. Here, we explore potential differences in ecological niche properties of birds and mammals across protected and unprotected areas, and relate such differences to species traits. We combine two decades of survey data of birds and mammals from protected and unprotected areas, and apply robust matching to obtain a set of environmentally comparable protected and unprotected sites. Next, we calculate intra-specific niche volume change and habitat shift between protected and unprotected areas, and use generalized linear mixed models to explain these responses with species traits (habitat specialization, body mass, diet, and red list status). The majority of bird and mammal species (83% and 90%, respectively) show different habitat use when occurring within and outside protected areas, with the magnitude of this shift highly varying across species. A minority of species (16% of birds and 10% of mammals) do not change their niche volume nor shift their habitat between protected and unprotected areas. Variation in niche properties is largely unrelated to species traits. Overall, the varying ecological niche responses of birds and mammals to protected areas underscore that there is no universal niche-based response, and that niche responses to land protection are species-specific.



保护区是生物多样性保护的基石,与未受保护的土地相比,通常支持更多自然和未受干扰的栖息地。保护区对特定生态位的影响很少被研究。在这里,我们探讨了受保护和未受保护地区鸟类和哺乳动物生态位特性的潜在差异,并将这些差异与物种特征联系起来。我们结合了来自受保护和未受保护地区的鸟类和哺乳动物的 20 年调查数据,并应用稳健的匹配来获得一组环境可比的受保护和未受保护地点。接下来,我们计算受保护区域和未受保护区域之间的种内生态位体积变化和栖息地转移,并使用广义线性混合模型来解释这些具有物种特征(栖息地专业化,体重、饮食和红名单状态)。大多数鸟类和哺乳动物物种(分别为 83% 和 90%)在保护区内外发生时表现出不同的栖息地利用,这种转变的幅度因物种而异。少数物种(16% 的鸟类和 10% 的哺乳动物)不会改变它们的生态位体积,也不会在保护区和未保护区之间转移它们的栖息地。生态位特性的变化在很大程度上与物种特征无关。总体而言,鸟类和哺乳动物对保护区的不同生态位响应强调没有普遍的基于生态位的响应,并且对土地保护的生态位响应是特定于物种的。分别)显示在保护区内外发生的不同栖息地使用情况,这种转变的幅度因物种而异。少数物种(16% 的鸟类和 10% 的哺乳动物)不会改变它们的生态位体积,也不会在保护区和未保护区之间转移它们的栖息地。生态位特性的变化在很大程度上与物种特征无关。总体而言,鸟类和哺乳动物对保护区的不同生态位响应强调没有普遍的基于生态位的响应,并且对土地保护的生态位响应是特定于物种的。分别)显示在保护区内外发生的不同栖息地使用情况,这种转变的幅度因物种而异。少数物种(16% 的鸟类和 10% 的哺乳动物)不会改变它们的生态位体积,也不会在保护区和未保护区之间转移它们的栖息地。生态位特性的变化在很大程度上与物种特征无关。总体而言,鸟类和哺乳动物对保护区的不同生态位响应强调没有普遍的基于生态位的响应,并且对土地保护的生态位响应是特定于物种的。生态位特性的变化在很大程度上与物种特征无关。总体而言,鸟类和哺乳动物对保护区的不同生态位响应强调没有普遍的基于生态位的响应,并且对土地保护的生态位响应是特定于物种的。生态位特性的变化在很大程度上与物种特征无关。总体而言,鸟类和哺乳动物对保护区的不同生态位响应强调没有普遍的基于生态位的响应,并且对土地保护的生态位响应是特定于物种的。
