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Evaluation of ecotoxicity of uranium smelting area receiving effluent using ostracods
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10967-022-08404-z
Liang Chen , Zheng Huo , Xiafei Zhou , Wei Huang , Shan Liu , Zhenping Tang , Haiyang He

Physico-chemical methods were used to assess the contamination status of water bodies near a uranium mine pit and tailings pond in northern Guangdong. The results of the evaluation showed that the content, Pi values and ecological risk index of U and Cd were high and exhibited serious hazard levels, while the remaining elements were weakly contaminated. On this basis, ecotoxicity evaluation was carried out using the ostracods Heterocypris sp. and Cypridopsis vidua. The results were consistent with the physico-chemical data, and both genera were sensitive indicators of the degree of water pollution, with the higher the degree of pollution, the greater the mortality of individuals and vice versa.



采用物理化学方法对粤北某铀矿坑和尾矿库附近水体的污染状况进行了评价。评价结果表明,U、Cd的含量、P i值和生态风险指数较高,危害程度较大,其余元素污染较弱。在此基础上,利用介形虫Heterocypris sp.进行生态毒性评价。和Cypridopsis vidua。结果与理化数据一致,均为水污染程度的敏感指标,污染程度越高,个体死亡率越高,反之亦然。
