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CEP peptide induces susceptibility of Arabidopsis thaliana to non-adapted pathogens
Journal of General Plant Pathology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10327-022-01077-2
Aprilia Nur Fitrianti , Thanh Luan Mai , Le Thi Phuong , Hiyori Monden , Norika Shiiba , Hidenori Matsui , Yoshiteru Noutoshi , Mikihiro Yamamoto , Yuki Ichinose , Tomonori Shiraishi , Kazuhiro Toyoda

CEP peptide was synthesized and tested for induction of disease susceptibility using Arabidopsis Col-0. When Colletotrichum tropicale was used as a non-adapted fungal pathogen, the conidia germinated to form hyphal-like structures, which successfully penetrated epidermis, eventually causing disease symptoms. In such case, PEN2-, but not PEN3-dependent resistance was likely suppressed by CEP peptide. Similarly, the CEP peptide-mediated disease susceptibility was also effective to a non-adapted bacterial pathogen. Notably, such induced susceptibility was also evident on Arabidopsis mutants lacking the previously identified receptors, suggesting that the CEP peptide modulates Arabidopsis immunity through an unidentified receptor(s).



使用拟南芥 Col-0 合成 CEP 肽并测试其对疾病易感性的诱导。当炭疽菌被用作非适应性真菌病原体时,分生孢子萌发形成菌丝状结构,成功穿透表皮,最终引起疾病症状。在这种情况下,CEP 肽可能会抑制PEN2-而非PEN3依赖性抗性。同样,CEP 肽介导的疾病易感性对未适应的细菌病原体也有效。值得注意的是,这种诱导的易感性在缺乏先前鉴定的受体的拟南芥突变体上也很明显,这表明 CEP 肽通过一种未鉴定的受体调节拟南芥的免疫。
