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Covid-19 and heterogeneous restrictions: possible consequences for EU cities
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-04 , DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsac020
Matteo Migheli 1, 2

Covid-19 has obliged public authorities to enact several restrictions to citizens’ everyday life. Some of them were or will be transitory, while others may result in long-term changes in production organisation. The analysis offered in this paper links the restrictions to the level of economic freedom of the EU members. The aim is to understand whether these two aspects were related, and the potential legacy of the restrictions for economies and cities. Likely, only teleworking will survive the pandemic, but it might entail major changes in the organisation of production, especially for jobs located in cities.


Covid-19 和异类限制:对欧盟城市的可能后果

Covid-19 已要求公共当局对公民的日常生活实施多项限制。其中一些过去或将是暂时的,而另一些可能会导致生产组织的长期变化。本文提供的分析将限制与欧盟成员国的经济自由水平联系起来。目的是了解这两个方面是否相关,以及限制对经济和城市的潜在影响。很可能,只有远程办公才能在大流行中幸存下来,但这可能会导致生产组织发生重大变化,尤其是对于位于城市的工作岗位而言。