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Advertisements as Cultural Texts: Looking at Homemakers and Mothers in Mandate Palestine
Visual Communication Quarterly ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-27 , DOI: 10.1080/15551393.2022.2096032
Shahar Marnin-Distelfeld

This article examines representations of homemakers and mothers occurring in ads appearing during Mandate Palestine. It is based on comprehensive research of about 150 ads, from dailies, women’s magazines, and manuals published in Hebrew at that time. In all ads, a feminine figure appears as the main character. The ads are analyzed, extracting the meanings inherent in them regarding the role and social status of the Hebrew homemaker, as a key to understanding the worldviews prevalent in the Yishuv. This premise perceives the ads as cultural texts, aiming for an effective communication with their audience. Decoding these ads is done according to theories taken from semiotics and cultural studies in relation to historical knowledge of Hebrew homemakers of the Yishuv. Three dominant ideologies were explored underlying the ads: Hebrew nationalism, modern domesticity, and the ideology of science. The strategies used by advertisers are also discussed, in themselves a significant tool for constructing meaning.



本文研究了在托管巴勒斯坦期间出现的广告中出现的家庭主妇和母亲的表现。它基于对大约 150 个广告的综合研究,这些广告来自当时用希伯来语出版的日报、女性杂志和手册。在所有广告中,女性形象都是主角。对这些广告进行分析,提取其中关于希伯来家庭主妇的角色和社会地位的内在含义,作为理解Yishuv 中普遍存在的世界观的关键。这一前提将广告视为文化文本,旨在与受众进行有效沟通。这些广告的解码是根据与伊舒夫希伯来家庭主妇的历史知识相关的符号学和文化研究理论来完成的。在广告背后探索了三种主要意识形态:希伯来民族主义、现代家庭生活和科学意识形态。还讨论了广告商使用的策略,它们本身就是构建意义的重要工具。
