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Developing effective e-learning environments through e-learning use mediating technology affordance and constructivist learning aspects for performance impacts: Moderator of learner involvement
The Internet and Higher Education ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2022.100871
Ing-Long Wu , Pi-Jung Hsieh , Shwu-Ming Wu

E-learning use indicates the success of implementing e-learning environments since it plays a key role in mediating drivers for goal achievement. The motivation for e-learning use greatly depends on developing effective e-learning processes. Two particular issues, technology use and constructivist learning, are proposed for further defining three key determinants, technology affordances, e-content interaction, and e-social interaction, as the determinants of e-learning use, and in turn, academic performance. The three determinants for their integration are unique for a special guide to effective e-learning design. Learner involvement is an emotional moderator for an interactive role with e-learning use. An existing e-learning environment with learning experience is used to collect both subjective and objective data. Technology affordances and e-content interaction have important influence on e-learning use, whereas e-social interaction does not. E-learning use also indicates the importance as a key mediator to achieve academic performance. Learner involvement shows insignificance with the moderating role. These findings have important implications for developing new learning approaches and effective e-learning processes, in particular, the insignificance of e-social interaction and learner involvement.



