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Interfacial properties of 2D WS2 on SiO2 substrate from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and first-principles calculations
Frontiers of Physics ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s11467-022-1167-0
Changjie Zhou , Huili Zhu , Weifeng Yang , Qiubao Lin , Tongchang Zheng , Lan Yang , Shuqiong Lan

Two-dimensional (2D) WS2 films were deposited on SiO2 wafers, and the related interfacial properties were investigated by high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and first-principles calculations. Using the direct (indirect) method, the valence band offset (VBO) at monolayer WS2/SiO2 interface was found to be 3.97 eV (3.86 eV), and the conduction band offset (CBO) was 2.70 eV (2.81 eV). Furthermore, the VBO (CBO) at bulk WS2/SiO2 interface is found to be about 0.48 eV (0.33 eV) larger due to the inter-layer orbital coupling and splitting of valence and conduction band edges. Therefore, the WS2/SiO2 heterostructure has a Type I energy-band alignment. The band offsets obtained experimentally and theoretically are consistent except the narrower theoretical bandgap of SiO2. The theoretical calculations further reveal a binding energy of 75 meV per S atom and the totally separated partial density of states, indicating a weak interaction and negligible Fermi level pinning effect between WS2 monolayer and SiO2 surface. Our combined experimental and theoretical results provide proof of the sufficient VBOs and CBOs and weak interaction in 2D WS2/SiO2 heterostructures.


X 射线光电子能谱和第一性原理计算的 SiO2 衬底上的 2D WS2 界面性质

将二维(2D)WS 2薄膜沉积在SiO 2晶片上,并通过高分辨率X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和第一性原理计算研究了相关的界面性质。使用直接(间接)方法,发现单层WS 2 /SiO 2界面的价带偏移(VBO)为3.97 eV(3.86 eV),导带偏移(CBO)为2.70 eV(2.81 eV)。此外,由于层间轨道耦合以及价带和导带边缘的分裂,发现体 WS 2 /SiO 2界面处的 VBO (CBO)大约大 0.48 eV (0.33 eV)。因此,WS 2 /SiO 2异质结构具有 I 型能带排列。除了SiO 2的较窄理论带隙外,实验和理论上获得的带偏移是一致的。理论计算进一步揭示了每个S原子75 meV的结合能和完全分离的部分状态密度,表明WS 2单层和SiO 2表面之间的弱相互作用和可忽略的费米能级钉扎效应。我们结合实验和理论结果提供了足够的 VBO 和 CBO 以及二维 WS 2 /SiO 2异质结构中的弱相互作用的证据。
