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Localizing Western expertise: İhsan Doğramaci, Ş. Raşit Hatipoğlu, and the quest for scientific development in modern Turkey
Notes and Records ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-29 , DOI: 10.1098/rsnr.2022.0008
Ali Erken 1

This article discusses the dynamics between Western experts and local technocrats in Turkey in their quest for scientific development in the first decades of modern Turkey. Based on primary archival sources, it examines the work of İhsan Doğramacı (d. 2010) and Ş. Raşit Hatipoğlu (d. 1973), who led various projects in the fields of medical and agricultural development. İhsan Doğramacı, a prominent scholar in the medical sciences, established a close partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation in the 1950s and led the establishment of Hacettepe University in the 1960s. S. Raşit Hatipoğlu was an agricultural expert who worked closely with German scientists, was involved in developing the Higher Institute of Agriculture in Ankara in the 1930s and then served as minister of agriculture in the 1940s. The article notes that the transfer of Western science and institution-building required the appropriation of local knowledge, political and intellectual networks and a negotiation process that included global and national challenges.


西方专业知识的本地化:İhsan Doğramaci,Ş。Raşit Hatipoğlu,以及现代土耳其对科学发展的追求

本文讨论了西方专家和土耳其当地技术官僚在现代土耳其最初几十年寻求科学发展的动态。根据主要档案来源,它检查了 İhsan Doğramacı(d. 2010)和 Ş. Raşit Hatipoğlu(死于 1973 年),他领导了医疗和农业发展领域的各种项目。İhsan Doğramacı 是医学界的杰出学者,他在 1950 年代与洛克菲勒基金会建立了密切的合作伙伴关系,并在 1960 年代领导了 Hacettepe 大学的成立。S. Raşit Hatipoğlu 是一位与德国科学家密切合作的农业专家,在 1930 年代参与了安卡拉高等农业研究所的开发,然后在 1940 年代担任农业部长。
