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Building back before: fiscal and monetary support for the economy in Britain amid the COVID-19 crisis
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-28 , DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsac024
Craig Berry 1 , Daniel Bailey 1 , David Beel 1 , Nick O’Donovan 1

This paper explores the local impact of various forms of fiscal and monetary support for UK-based companies in the context of disruption caused by COVID-19 and associated public health restrictions, including support for household incomes (and therefore private consumption) via the ‘furlough’ scheme, the Covid Corporate Financing Facility and various national and local business support schemes. It shows that the economic crisis associated with the pandemic has been construed to justify interventions that preserve the spatially uneven status quo of the UK’s model of economic development, protecting business from harms arising, apparently, from the public’s reaction to the pandemic. To some extent, COVID-19 has been treated as a localised phenomenon that the national economy requires protection from.


重建之前:在 COVID-19 危机期间对英国经济的财政和货币支持

本文探讨了在 COVID-19 和相关公共卫生限制造成破坏的背景下,各种形式的财政和货币支持对英国公司的当地影响,包括通过“休假”支持家庭收入(以及私人消费) ' 计划、Covid 企业融资机制以及各种国家和地方企业支持计划。它表明,与大流行相关的经济危机被解释为有理由采取干预措施,以维持英国经济发展模式在空间上不平衡的现状,保护企业免受公众对大流行的反应造成的损害。在某种程度上,COVID-19 已被视为国民经济需要保护的局部现象。