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Child Marriage, Reproductive Outcomes, and Service Utilization among Young Afghan Women: Findings from a Nationally Representative Survey in Afghanistan
Studies in Family Planning ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-23 , DOI: 10.1111/sifp.12207
Omid Dadras 1, 2 , Tanaporn Khampaya 3 , Takeo Nakayama 4

This study explored the prevalence of child marriage and its association with reproductive outcomes and service utilization among young women in Afghanistan. We conducted a secondary analysis of data from the 2015 Afghanistan Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), focusing on women aged 20–24 years old based on the United Nations’ recommendation on child marriage study. Multivariate logistic models examined the association between child marriage, reproductive outcomes, and service utilization. An estimated 52% of the Afghan women aged 20–24 married at ages less than 18 years. Poverty and illiteracy were associated with the higher likelihood of early marriage. There was a significant negative relationship between child marriage and history of rapid repeat childbirth, delivery by skilled personnel, and institutional delivery. In both adjusted and unadjusted models, women married at age ≤14 were more likely to experience terminated or unintended pregnancy, inadequate ANC, unmet need for family planning, and fistula; while, for those married at age 15–17 years, only terminated or unintended pregnancy remained significant. Strict international law enforcement and advocacy are needed in the current situation of Afghanistan to increase young women's education, promote their civil rights, and improve their autonomy and role in decision-making concerning their fertility preferences and reproductive health.



本研究探讨了阿富汗年轻女性童婚的普遍性及其与生育结果和服务利用的关系。我们根据联合国关于童婚研究的建议,对 2015 年阿富汗人口与健康调查 (DHS) 的数据进行了二次分析,重点关注 20-24 岁的女性。多变量逻辑模型检查了童婚、生殖结果和服务利用之间的关联。据估计,20-24 岁的阿富汗妇女中有 52% 在不到 18 岁时结婚。贫困和文盲与早婚的可能性较高有关。童婚与快速重复生育史、技术人员分娩和机构分娩之间存在显着的负相关关系。在调整和未调整的模型中,年龄≤14 岁的已婚妇女更有可能经历终止或意外怀孕、ANC 不足、计划生育需求未得到满足和瘘管;而对于那些在 15-17 岁结婚的人来说,只有终止或意外怀孕仍然很重要。阿富汗当前局势需要严格的国际执法和宣传,以增加年轻女性的教育,促进她们的公民权利,并提高她们在生育偏好和生殖健康决策中的自主权和作用。只有终止或意外怀孕仍然显着。阿富汗当前局势需要严格的国际执法和宣传,以增加年轻女性的教育,促进她们的公民权利,并提高她们在生育偏好和生殖健康决策中的自主权和作用。只有终止或意外怀孕仍然显着。阿富汗当前局势需要严格的国际执法和宣传,以增加年轻女性的教育,促进她们的公民权利,并提高她们在生育偏好和生殖健康决策中的自主权和作用。