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How Autogynephilic Are Natal Females?
Archives of Sexual Behavior ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s10508-022-02359-8
J Michael Bailey 1 , Kevin J Hsu 2

Blanchard proposed that autogynephilia is a natal male’s paraphilic sexual arousal in response to the thought or fantasy of being a woman. Furthermore, based on evidence collected from natal males with gender dysphoria, Blanchard argued that autogynephilia is the fundamental motivation among nonhomosexual males (i.e., those not exclusively attracted to men) who pursue sex reassignment surgery or live as transgender women. These ideas have been challenged by several writers who have asserted, or offered evidence, that autogynephilia is common among women. However, their evidence was weakened by problematic measures and limited comparison groups. We compared four samples of autogynephilic natal males (N = 1549), four samples of non-autogynephilic natal males (N = 1339), and two samples of natal females (N = 500), using Blanchard’s original measure: the Core Autogynephilia Scale. The autogynephilic samples had much higher mean scores compared with non-autogynephilic natal males and natal females, who were similar. Our findings refute the contention that autogynephilia is common among natal females.



Blanchard 提出,autogynephilia 是出生男性对成为女性的想法或幻想的反常性性唤起。此外,根据从出生时患有性别不安的男性身上收集到的证据,布兰查德认为,自恋是非同性恋男性(即那些不完全被男性吸引的人)进行变性手术或作为变性女性生活的基本动机。这些观点受到几位作家的挑战,他们断言或提供证据表明,autogynephilia 在女性中很常见。然而,他们的证据因有问题的措施和有限的比较组而被削弱。我们比较了四个自体嗜性出生男性样本(N  = 1549),四个非自体嗜性出生男性样本(N = 1339),以及两个出生女性样本 ( N  = 500),使用 Blanchard 的原始测量方法:Core Autogynephilia Scale。与相似的非自体嗜血性出生男性和女性相比,自体嗜血样本的平均得分要高得多。我们的研究结果驳斥了生育女性中普遍存在自体嗜血症的论点。
