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Passive with control and raising in mainland Scandinavian
Nordic Journal of Linguistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-24 , DOI: 10.1017/s0332586522000087
Elisabet Engdahl

This article gives an overview of the use of non-local passives in mainland Scandinavian, i.e. passives where the subject of the first verb is a thematic argument of a second verb. Three factors are important: whether V1 is a control verb or a raising passive, whether V2 is a passive participle or an infinitive and whether the passive is morphological or periphrastic. Danish and Norwegian allow passive control verbs such as forsøge ‘try’ with passive participles whereas this pattern is only found with semi-control verbs like begära ‘request’ in Swedish. In Swedish there is an alternative strategy for strict control verbs, viz. active control verb plus passive infinitive. All three languages allow both passive infinitival complements and passive participles with raising passives such as påstås ‘is claimed’. These passive constructions need to be distinguished from so called long passives and double passives where a passive feature on either V1 or V2 can spread to the adjacent verb.



本文概述了斯堪的纳维亚大陆非本地被动语态的使用,即第一个动词的主语是第二个动词的主题论元的被动语态。三个因素很重要:V1 是控制动词还是提升被动语态,V2 是被动分词还是不定式,以及被动语态是形态动词还是迂回动词。丹麦语和挪威语允许被动控制动词(例如forsøge “try”)与被动分词一起使用,而这种模式仅在瑞典语中的半控制动词(例如begära “请求”)中出现。在瑞典语中,有一种严格控制动词的替代策略,即。主动控制动词加被动不定式。所有三种语言都允许使用被动不定式补足语和被动分词,并带有提升被动语态,例如påstås “被要求”。这些被动结构需要与所谓的被动语态和被动语态区分开来,其中 V1 或 V2 上的被动特征可以传播到相邻的动词。
