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The Employment Impact of a Green Fiscal Push: Evidence from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-24
David Popp, Giovanni Marin, Francesco Vona, Ziqiao Chen

Investments in the green economy are used for both environmental goals and fiscal stimulus. The success of these investments depends, at least in part, on whether they create new jobs and whether such jobs are available to workers hurt by a green transition. We evaluate the employment effect of green investments from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Most job creation from green ARRA investments is permanent and emerged in the post-ARRA period, but the plausible range of estimates is extremely wide (zero to twenty-five jobs per $1 million). Such large uncertainty on aggregate effects masks substantial heterogeneity across communities. The green stimulus mostly benefited areas with a greater prevalence of preexisting green skills that created 40 percent additional jobs than average communities. New jobs are primarily manual labor and in occupations performing green tasks, especially in renewable energy. However, manual labor wages do not increase. Descriptive evidence suggests that the skill gap between green energy and fossil fuel workers is modest, but green jobs require significantly more training. Because the spatial distribution of skills and jobs matters, using green stimuli can help reshape the economy in the long run but may also exacerbate regional inequities associated with the green energy transition.



对绿色经济的投资用于环境目标和财政刺激。这些投资的成功至少部分取决于它们是否创造了新的就业机会,以及这些工作是否可以提供给受绿色转型伤害的工人。我们根据美国复苏和再投资法案 (ARRA) 评估绿色投资的就业效应。大多数绿色 ARRA 投资创造的就业机会是永久性的,并且出现在 ARRA 后时期,但合理的估计范围非常广泛(每 100 万美元有 0 到 25 个工作岗位)。总体效应的如此大的不确定性掩盖了社区之间的巨大异质性。绿色刺激措施主要使已有绿色技能更为普遍的地区受益,这些地区创造了比普通社区多 40% 的就业机会。新工作主要是体力劳动和执行绿色任务的职业,特别是在可再生能源方面。但是,体力劳动工资并没有增加。描述性证据表明,绿色能源和化石燃料工人之间的技能差距不大,但绿色工作需要更多的培训。由于技能和工作的空间分布很重要,从长远来看,使用绿色刺激可以帮助重塑经济,但也可能加剧与绿色能源转型相关的区域不平等。
