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The Economic Gains from Equity
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-24
Shelby R. Buckman, Laura Y. Choi, Mary C. Daly, Lily M. Seitelman

How much larger would the US economic pie be if labor market outcomes were more equitably distributed by race and ethnicity? Using data from the Current Population Survey (1990–2019), we estimate the improvements in labor contribution to aggregate output associated with making the outcomes for Black, Hispanic, and other minority groups at least as favorable as those for non-Hispanic white individuals in employment, hours worked, educational attainment, educational utilization, and earnings. We find significant economic gains, measured in trillions of dollars of GDP. Our results indicate that ensuring all Americans have an equitable opportunity to participate in the economy is an economically significant way to increase aggregate prosperity.



如果劳动力市场结果更公平地按种族和民族分配,美国的经济蛋糕会有多大?使用当前人口调查(1990-2019 年)的数据,我们估计了劳动对总产出的贡献与使黑人、西班牙裔和其他少数群体的结果至少与非西班牙裔白人一样有利相关的改善就业、工作时间、教育程度、教育利用和收入。我们发现显着的经济收益,以数万亿美元的 GD​​P 衡量。我们的研究结果表明,确保所有美国人都有平等参与经济的机会是增加总体繁荣的重要经济途径。
