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A nation-wide experiment: fuel tax cuts and almost free public transport for three months in Germany -- Report 2 First wave results
arXiv - QuantFin - Economics Pub Date : 2022-06-21 , DOI: arxiv-2206.10510
Fabienne Cantner, Nico Nachtigall, Lisa S. Hamm, Andrea Cadavid Isaza, Lennart Adenaw, Allister Loder, Markus B. Siewert, Sebastian Goerg, Markus Lienkamp, Klaus Bogenberger

In spring 2022, the German federal government agreed on a set of measures that aim at reducing households' financial burden resulting from a recent price increase, especially in energy and mobility. These measures include among others, a nation-wide public transport ticket for 9 EUR per month and a fuel tax cut that reduces fuel prices by more than 15%. In transportation research this is an almost unprecedented behavioral experiment. It allows to study not only behavioral responses in mode choice and induced demand but also to assess the effectiveness of transport policy instruments. We observe this natural experiment with a three-wave survey and an app-based travel diary on a sample of hundreds of participants as well as an analysis of traffic counts. In this second report, we update the information on study participation, provide first insights on the smartphone app usage as well as insights on the first wave results, particularly on the 9 EUR-ticket purchase intention.


全国性实验:德国三个月内削减燃油税和几乎免费的公共交通——报告 2 第一波结果

2022 年春季,德国联邦政府商定了一系列措施,旨在减轻近期价格上涨导致的家庭经济负担,尤其是在能源和交通方面。这些措施包括每月 9 欧元的全国公共交通票和将燃油价格降低 15% 以上的燃油税减免。在交通研究中,这几乎是前所未有的行为实验。它不仅可以研究模式选择和诱导需求中的行为反应,还可以评估交通政策工具的有效性。我们通过三波调查和基于应用程序的旅行日记对数百名参与者的样本以及流量计数进行分析来观察这个自然实验。在第二份报告中,我们更新了有关研究参与的信息,