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Autocatalytic aerobic ipso-hydroxylation of arylboronic acid with Hantzsch ester and Hantzsch pyridine
Organic Chemistry Frontiers ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-21 , DOI: 10.1039/d2qo00618a
Chi-Hang Fan 1 , Tianyue Xu 1 , Zhihai Ke 2 , Ying-Yeung Yeung 1

Hantzsch esters are very useful hydrogen and electron donors that have been applied in many reactions. After the reactions, aromatic Hantzsch pyridines are generated as the by-products and their roles are commonly ignored. Herein, we report the use of Hantzsch pyridine as a promoter to activate Hantzsch ester in the generation of the hydrogen peroxy radical, which is useful for the ipso-hydroxylation of arylboronic acids to give phenols. The reaction does not require an external catalyst or light. The conditions are mild and highly compatible with different functional groups.


芳基硼酸与 Hantzsch 酯和 Hantzsch 吡啶的自催化需氧异羟基化

Hantzsch 酯是非常有用的氢和电子供体,已在许多反应中得到应用。反应后,会生成芳香族 Hantzsch 吡啶作为副产物,它们的作用通常被忽略。在此,我们报告了使用 Hantzsch 吡啶作为促进剂来激活 Hantzsch 酯以产生氢过氧自由基,这可用于芳基硼酸的ipso -羟基化以产生酚类。该反应不需要外部催化剂或光。条件温和,与不同官能团高度相容。