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Editor’s note
Language and Literature ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-09 , DOI: 10.1177/09639470221093192

In November of last year, the stylistics community was saddened to learn of the death of Professor Dr Peter Verdonk, eminent stylistician, editorial board member of Language and Literature and long-time member of the Poetics and Linguistics Association. Peter was an incisive critic, a first-class linguist and a very kind man. As a token of respect for our dear colleague and friend, Peter’s influential 2005 article, ‘Painting, poetry, parallelism: ekphrasis, stylistics and cognitive poetics’, which was originally published in issue 3 of volume 14, is now freely available on the Language and Literature website and will remain so in perpetuity.



去年 11 月,文体学界悲痛地得知著名文体学家、语言和文学编辑委员会成员、诗学和语言学协会的长期成员彼得·维尔东克教授的去世。彼得是一位敏锐的批评家,一流的语言学家和非常善良的人。为了表达对我们亲爱的同事和朋友的尊重,彼得 2005 年有影响力的文章“绘画、诗歌、平行:ekphrasis、文体学和认知诗学”最初发表在第 14 卷的第 3 期,现在可以在语言上免费获得和文学网站,并将永远如此。