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Teaching Eighteenth-Century German Literature in the Era of #MeToo: Gender and the Enlightenment Canon
Publications of the English Goethe Society ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-15 , DOI: 10.1080/09593683.2022.2074286
Ellen Pilsworth 1


This article presents the course ‘Seduction and Destruction: 1772­–1808’, which I taught at Bristol in 2017, at the time of the Harvey Weinstein scandal and ensuing #MeToo debate. I argue for the examination of gender ideologies as a way into more traditionally studied eighteenth-century concepts and movements such as Aufklärung, Sturm und Drang, and Romanticism. I offer an overview of the texts we studied on the course, and consider to what degree these texts can be seen to critique the gender norms and sexual power dynamics of their own day. Finally, I consider the strengths and challenges of the course at the time, and what made it attractive to students who might otherwise have shied away from eighteenth-century literature.


#MeToo 时代的 18 世纪德国文学教学:性别与启蒙运动经典


本文介绍了我 2017 年在布里斯托尔教授的课程“诱惑与破坏:1772–1808”,当时哈维·温斯坦丑闻和随后的#MeToo 辩论发生了。我主张将性别意识形态作为一种进入更传统研究的 18 世纪概念和运动的途径,例如AufklärungSturm und Drang和浪漫主义。我概述了我们在课程中学习的文本,并考虑这些文本在多大程度上可以被视为批评他们当时的性别规范和性权力动态。最后,我考虑了当时这门课程的优势和挑战,以及它对那些可能会避开 18 世纪文学的学生有吸引力的原因。
