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Children and Youth in Strategic Climate Litigation: Advancing Rights through Legal Argument and Legal Mobilization
Transnational Environmental Law ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-14 , DOI: 10.1017/s2047102522000218
Elizabeth Donger

Children and young people constitute more than one quarter of all plaintiffs in rights-based strategic climate litigation cases filed globally up to 2021. This article examines the implications of this development for children's environmental rights inside and outside the courtroom, relying on the analysis of case documents, media coverage, and the broader literature on strategic climate litigation and children's rights. The article finds that children are well placed to make powerful arguments for intergenerational justice. Conversely, children's rights arguments that address their current-day grievances are under-utilized. More consistent inclusion of these types of claim could strengthen children's environmental rights, clarifying and enforcing legal obligations towards children in the context of the climate crisis as it unfolds. The involvement of children in strategic climate litigation, moreover, can advance the critical role of this demographic as stakeholder in climate solutions. However, the participation of children also raises ethical and practical dilemmas, which are currently poorly understood and only haphazardly addressed.



截至 2021 年,在全球范围内提起的基于权利的战略气候诉讼案件中,儿童和青少年占所有原告的四分之一以上。本文通过对案件的分析,探讨了这一发展对法庭内外儿童环境权利的影响文件、媒体报道以及有关战略气候诉讼和儿童权利的更广泛的文献。文章发现,儿童能够很好地为代际正义提出强有力的论据。相反,解决他们当前不满的儿童权利论点并未得到充分利用。更一致地纳入这些类型的主张可以加强儿童的环境权利,在气候危机的背景下澄清和执行对儿童的法律义务。此外,儿童参与战略气候诉讼可以促进这一人口作为利益相关者在气候解决方案中的关键作用。然而,儿童的参与也引发了道德和实践困境,目前人们对此知之甚少,只能随意解决。
