Educational Psychology Review ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s10648-022-09688-z
David F Bjorklund 1
In this article, I examine children’s evolved learning mechanisms that make humans the most educable of animals. These include (1) skeletal perceptual and cognitive mechanisms that get fleshed out over the course of development, mainly through play; (2) a high level of plasticity that is greatest early in life but that persists into adulthood; (3) remarkable social-learning capabilities; and (4) dispositions toward exploration and play. I next examine some evolutionary mismatches—conflicts between psychological mechanisms evolved in ancient environments and their utility in modern ones—specifically with respect to modern educational systems. I then suggest some ways educators can take advantage of children’s evolved learning abilities to minimize the effects of evolutionary mismatches, including (1) following developmentally appropriate practices (which are also evolutionarily appropriate practices), (2) increasing opportunities for physical activities, (3) increasing opportunities to learn through play, and (4) taking advantage of stress-adapted children’s “hidden talents.” I argue that evolutionary theory informs teachers and parents about how children evolved to learn and can result in more-enlightened teaching methods that will result in a more enjoyable and successful learning experiences for children.

在这篇文章中,我研究了儿童进化的学习机制,这些机制使人类成为最受教育的动物。这些包括(1)骨骼感知和认知机制,在发育过程中(主要通过游戏)得到充实; (2) 高水平的可塑性,在生命早期最为明显,但一直持续到成年; (三)优秀的社会学习能力; (4) 探索和玩耍的倾向。接下来,我研究了一些进化上的不匹配——古代环境中进化的心理机制与其在现代环境中的效用之间的冲突——特别是在现代教育体系方面。然后,我建议教育工作者可以采取一些方法,利用儿童进化的学习能力来最大限度地减少进化不匹配的影响,包括(1)遵循适合发展的做法(这也是进化上合适的做法),(2)增加体育活动的机会,(3) )增加通过游戏学习的机会,以及(4)利用适应压力的孩子的“隐藏天赋”。我认为进化论可以让老师和家长了解孩子如何进化学习,并可以产生更开明的教学方法,从而为孩子带来更愉快和成功的学习体验。