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Yin–Yang Complementarity Strategy Achieving Giant Optical Anisotropy in a Metal-free Birefringent Material C(NH2)3(HC4O4)
Crystal Growth & Design ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-10 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.2c00255
Hongmei Wang 1 , Qiang Wang 1 , Qin Wang 1 , Liling Cao 1 , Ling Huang 1 , Daojiang Gao 1 , Jian Bi 1 , Guohong Zou 2

The Yin–Yang complementarity strategy was first proposed to successfully develop a superior metal-free birefringent material C(NH2)3(HC4O4), which was fabricated by two kinds of planar π-conjugated units containing triangle [C(NH2)3]+ cations and square [HC4O4] anions. C(NH2)3(HC4O4) features a giant birefringence (0.313@546 nm), which is significantly enhanced compared to the commercially available birefringent materials.


阴阳互补策略在无金属双折射材料 C(NH2)3(HC4O4) 中实现巨大的光学各向异性

首次提出阴阳互补策略,成功开发了一种优良的无金属双折射材料C(NH 2 ) 3 (HC 4 O 4 ),由两种平面π共轭单元组成,包含三角形[C(NH 2 ) 3 ] +阳离子和方形 [HC 4 O 4 ] -阴离子。C(NH 2 ) 3 (HC 4 O 4 ) 具有巨大的双折射(0.313@546 nm),与市售的双折射材料相比显着增强。