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Legacy of wood charcoal production on subalpine forest structure and species composition
Ambio ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s13280-022-01750-y
Matteo Garbarino 1 , Donato Morresi 1 , Fabio Meloni 1 , Nicolò Anselmetto 1 , Flavio Ruffinatto 1 , Massimo Bocca 2

Land-use legacy on forest dynamics at both stand and landscape scale can last for centuries, affecting forest structure and species composition. We aimed to disentangle the history of the charcoal production legacies that historically shaped Mont Avic Natural Park (Aosta Valley, Italy) forests by integrating LiDAR, GIS, anthracological, and field data at the landscape scale. We adopted different geostatistical tools to relate geographic layers from various data sources. The overexploitation due to intensive charcoal production to fuel mining activities shaped the current forests by homogenising their structure and species composition into dense and young stands with a reduction in late seral species such as Norway spruce (Picea abies) and an increase in pioneer species such as Mountain pine (Pinus uncinata). The multidisciplinary and multi-scale framework adopted in this study stresses the role of historical landscape ecology in evaluating ecosystem resilience to past anthropogenic disturbances.



在林分和景观规模上,土地利用对森林动态的影响可以持续几个世纪,影响森林结构和物种组成。我们的目标是通过在景观尺度上整合 LiDAR、GIS、人类学和野外数据,解开木炭生产遗产的历史,这些遗产在历史上塑造了艾维克山自然公园(意大利奥斯塔山谷)的森林。我们采用了不同的地统计工具来关联来自不同数据源的地理层。由于密集的木炭生产为采矿活动提供燃料而导致的过度开发通过将其结构和物种组成均质化为密集和年轻的林分而塑造了当前的森林,同时减少了挪威云杉( Picea abies )等晚生物种,并增加了先锋物种,例如山松(黑松)。本研究采用的多学科和多尺度框架强调了历史景观生态学在评估生态系统对过去人为干扰的恢复力方面的作用。
