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Comparing the relationships between money bail, pretrial risk scores, and pretrial outcomes.
Law and Human Behavior ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-09 , DOI: 10.1037/lhb0000487
Samantha A Zottola 1 , Sarah L Desmarais 1

OBJECTIVES There has been much discussion around the use of both money bail and pretrial risk assessment instruments. We examine how bail and risk scores compare in terms of their associations with failure to appear in court and rearrest during the pretrial period. HYPOTHESES Our research questions included whether bail and risk scores differed between people who did and did not experience pretrial outcomes and whether pretrial scores were associated with outcomes when controlling for bail and other relevant covariates. METHOD To examine these associations, we drew a sample of 492 people (33% women; 60% Black) booked into county jail in a jurisdiction not yet using a pretrial risk assessment instrument to inform release decisions. We completed the Public Safety Assessment (PSA) for this sample and collected data on failure-to-appear and rearrest incidents for 1 year following initial bookings. We examined the associations between bail amount, failure to appear, and rearrest and between PSA subscale scores, failure to appear, and rearrest. RESULTS Bail amount was not associated with either failure to appear or rearrest. People who failed to appear or were rearrested had higher bail amounts, on average, than people who did not. In contrast, PSA subscale scores were significantly associated with outcomes in the expected direction. CONCLUSIONS Our findings do not support the use of money bail for ensuring that people return to court and avoid rearrest. Instead, our findings suggest that using pretrial risk assessment, instruments could result in more accurate and appropriate release decisions. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).



目标 围绕金钱保释和审前风险评估工具的使用进行了很多讨论。我们研究了保释和风险评分如何与预审期间未能出庭和重新逮捕的关联进行比较。假设 我们的研究问题包括保释和风险评分在经历过和未经历过审前结局的人之间是否存在差异,以及在控制保释和其他相关协变量时,审前得分是否与结局相关。方法 为检查这些关联,我们抽取了 492 人(33% 为女性;60% 为黑人)的样本,该人在尚未使用审前风险评估工具告知释放决定的司法管辖区被关押在县监狱。我们为此样本完成了公共安全评估 (PSA),并在初次预订后的 1 年内收集了有关未能出现和重新逮捕事件的数据。我们检查了保释金额、未出庭和再逮捕之间的关联,以及 PSA 分量表评分、未出庭和再逮捕之间的关联。结果 保释金与未出庭或重新逮捕无关。平均而言,未出庭或再次被捕的人的保释金高于未出庭的人。相比之下,PSA 分量表得分与预期方向的结果显着相关。结论 我们的调查结果不支持使用保释金来确保人们重返法庭并避免再次被捕。相反,我们的研究结果表明,使用审前风险评估,工具可能会导致更准确和适当的释放决定。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2022 APA,保留所有权利)。