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Exploring hybrid vulcanization system in high-molecular weight EPDM rubber composites: A statistical approach
Journal of Applied Polymer Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-07 , DOI: 10.1002/app.52721
Arshad Rahman Parathodika 1 , Aswathy Thuruthil Raju 1 , Mithun Das 1 , Asit Baran Bhattacharya 1 , Jeevanandham Neethirajan 1 , Kinsuk Naskar 1

Elastomeric compound development is a multi-objective optimization task, and it contains vulcanization packages that crosslink the matrix. The deciding factors for vulcanization systems are the nature of elastomer, service temperature, processing methods and vulcanizate properties. Accelerated sulfur and organic peroxide are examples of vulcanization systems; each has its advantages and shortcomings. The peroxide-based system shows a high level of temperature stability while its flexibility is inferior to sulfur vulcanization. This study is fine-tuning a hybrid vulcanization system containing a combination of ultra-fast accelerated sulfur and a peroxide system; it also optimizes the vulcanization package ratios concerning various rheological and vulcanizate properties with the help of the Taguchi method. Ethylene propylene diene rubber (EPDM) is chosen as the basic matrix due to its excellent viability and commercial application with both the vulcanization systems. The formulations are optimized to combine the advantages of both the vulcanization systems. The results indicate that the vulcanization is sulfur-driven, but peroxide influences by selecting the crosslink sites and type. The hybrid system uses more components, but proper optimization helps to reduce the quantity of vulcanization packages with an improvement in physio-mechanical properties; it also helps to reduce the discharge of carcinogenic accelerator by-products, such as nitrosamine.



弹性体化合物开发是一项多目标优化任务,它包含交联基体的硫化包。硫化体系的决定因素是弹性体的性质、使用温度、加工方法和硫化胶的性能。加速硫和有机过氧化物是硫化体系的例子;每个都有其优点和缺点。基于过氧化物的体系显示出高水平的温度稳定性,而其柔韧性不如硫磺硫化。这项研究正在微调包含超快速加速硫磺和过氧化物系统组合的混合硫化系统;它还借助田口方法优化了与各种流变和硫化胶性能有关的硫化包比率。选择三元乙丙橡胶 (EPDM) 作为基本基体是因为它具有出色的生存能力和在两种硫化系统中的商业应用。配方经过优化,结合了两种硫化系统的优点。结果表明硫化是硫驱动的,但过氧化物通过选择交联位点和类型来影响。混合系统使用了更多的组件,但适当的优化有助于减少硫化包的数量,同时提高物理机械性能;它还有助于减少致癌促进剂副产物的排放,例如亚硝胺。配方经过优化,结合了两种硫化系统的优点。结果表明硫化是硫驱动的,但过氧化物通过选择交联位点和类型来影响。混合系统使用了更多的组件,但适当的优化有助于减少硫化包的数量,同时提高物理机械性能;它还有助于减少致癌促进剂副产物的排放,例如亚硝胺。配方经过优化,结合了两种硫化系统的优点。结果表明硫化是硫驱动的,但过氧化物通过选择交联位点和类型来影响。混合系统使用了更多的组件,但适当的优化有助于减少硫化包的数量,同时提高物理机械性能;它还有助于减少致癌促进剂副产物的排放,例如亚硝胺。