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Toward Theoretical Liberation: Challenging the Intellectual Imperialism of the Western Race Paradigm
Journal of Labor and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-22 , DOI: 10.1163/24714607-bja10042
Donald A. Clelland 1 , Wilma A. Dunaway 2

AbstractWe hope to encourage the development of decentered, decolonized, ground-breaking theory about ethnic and racial exploitation in the 21st century world-system. To accomplish that, we contend that academics and activists need to liberate themselves from the historical and ideological confines of the western race paradigm. Consequently, we have shaped this essay around that goal. In Section 2, we explore the dangers of universalizing the western race paradigm to the entire world. Section 3 investigates 21st century trends that challenge the western race paradigm, with particular focus on the significance of semiperipheries, transnational capitalist classes and nonwestern states. In Section 4, we argue that western race theory dominates scholarship globally through strategies of intellectual imperialism that need to be acknowledged, dismantled and overcome. In the Conclusion, we offer strategies for decentering and decolonizing knowledge production.



摘要我们希望鼓励在 21 世纪的世界体系中发展关于种族和种族剥削的去中心化、非殖民化、开创性的理论。为了实现这一目标,我们认为学者和活动家需要将自己从西方种族范式的历史和意识形态限制中解放出来。因此,我们围绕这个目标塑造了这篇文章。在第 2 节中,我们探讨了将西方种族范式普及到整个世界的危险。第 3 部分调查了挑战西方种族范式的 21 世纪趋势,特别关注半外围、跨国资产阶级和非西方国家的重要性。在第 4 节中,我们认为西方种族理论通过需要承认的知识帝国主义战略主导了全球学术研究,拆除和克服。在结论中,我们提供了知识生产的去中心化和非殖民化策略。