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Between Political and Economic Imperialism: Russia’s Shifting Global Strategy
Journal of Labor and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-08 , DOI: 10.1163/24714607-bja10043
Ilya Matveev 1

AbstractRussia experienced both economic and geopolitical expansion in the 2000s. During this time, the Kremlin and big business worked in tandem to assert Russian influence in post-Soviet space. However, the annexation of Crimea and Russia’s involvement in the war in Eastern Ukraine in 2014 marked a new period that severed the state’s geopolitical strategy and the interests of big capital. While the state continues to engage in open and covert military action, the activity of Russian business abroad has sharply diminished. Relying on David Harvey’s concepts of territorial and capitalist logics of power, the article explores the interplay between political and economic imperialism during Putin’s 20 years in power and situates Russia within today’s global imperialist landscape. I find that the Kremlin’s geopolitical and geoeconomic shift in 2014 can ultimately be explained by the strategic orientation of the country’s leadership, in particular, the deeply ingrained emphasis on security and ‘hard power’. However, the turn away from economic imperialism was also structurally determined by the exhaustion of the country’s economic engine that no longer generates surplus capital in need of a ‘spatial fix’.



摘要俄罗斯在 2000 年代经历了经济和地缘政治的扩张。在此期间,克里姆林宫和大企业协同工作,以维护俄罗斯在后苏联空间的影响力。然而,2014年克里米亚的吞并和俄罗斯卷入乌克兰东部战争,标志着国家地缘政治战略和大资本利益割裂的新时期。在国家继续从事公开和秘密的军事行动的同时,俄罗斯企业在海外的活动急剧减少。文章依托大卫哈维的领土和资本主义权力逻辑概念,探讨了普京执政 20 年间政治和经济帝国主义之间的相互作用,并将俄罗斯置于当今全球帝国主义格局中。我发现克里姆林宫在 2014 年的地缘政治和地缘经济转变最终可以用该国领导层的战略方向来解释,特别是对安全和“硬实力”的根深蒂固的强调。然而,摆脱经济帝国主义在结构上也是由该国经济引擎的耗尽所决定的,该引擎不再产生需要“空间修复”的剩余资本。