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‘How the Music was Made’: Television, Musicology and BBC Four
Critical Studies in Television ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-20 , DOI: 10.1177/17496020221078503
Toby Huelin 1

This article focuses on BBC Four’s original music programming, considering documentaries which, according to the channel’s commissioning guidelines, ‘tak[e] a musicology approach’ to give audiences a ‘privileged view’ of ‘how the music was made’. It focuses on two case studies: Tunes for Tyrants: Music and Power with Suzy Klein (2017) and Being Beethoven (2020) . Drawing upon original interviews with key production personnel for each series, this article explores the roles of music scholars in the television production process. It examines how musicologists are engaged with a production, what roles they undertake, and the value of their work for programme makers.


“音乐是如何制作的”:电视、音乐学和 BBC 四台

本文重点关注 BBC Four 的原创音乐节目,考虑纪录片,根据该频道的委托指南,“采取[e] 音乐学方法”,让观众对“音乐是如何制作的”有“特权看法”。它侧重于两个案例研究:Tunes for Tyrants: Music and Power with Suzy Klein (2017) 和 Being Beethoven (2020)。本文利用对每个系列的主要制作人员的原始采访,探讨音乐学者在电视制作过程中的作用。它考察了音乐学家如何参与制作、他们承担的角色以及他们的工作对节目制作者的价值。