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“Look At My Arms!” – Editor's Note
Dance Research Journal ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0149767721000310
Nadine George-Graves

It has been my honor to work with the scholars, artists, and artist-scholars for this special-topics issue of Dance Research Journal. A number of intellectual, creative, and personal conversations inspired me to propose this intervention at the intersection of dance, race, and gender. It is a continuation of my larger intellectual mission to help us better understand the importance of work by Black women in the arts and in the world through the arts. We must attend to all of the nuanced particulars of these and other negotiations. This curation builds on my participation in conference panels, seminar room discussions, artistic collaborations, and scholarly working groups, where participants dive deeply into this intellectual history. This process is necessarily embodied knowledge— written on, with, and through the body.


“看看我的手臂!” – 编者注
