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Ecofeminism in Film Adaptations of Lesia Ukrainka’s Forest Song
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-24 , DOI: 10.18523/kmhj249180.2021-8.46-67
Anastassiya Andrianova

This article off ers a pioneering ecofeminist study of Viktor Ivchenko’s Lisova pisnia (1961) and Yurii Illienko’s Lisova pisnia. Mavka (1980), two Soviet Ukrainian film adaptations of Lesia Ukrainka’s eponymous fairy-drama (1911; Forest Song). It focuses on the interrelated depiction of gender and nature along with the drama’s ideological and material aspects: androcentrism and deforestation. The production of both fi lms coincides with, and arguably refl ects, what Marko Pavlyshyn describes as “the emergence of a conservationist consciousness” in the USSR in the 1960s. The article’s goal is therefore twofold – to bring new ecofeminist insights into Ukrainian fi lm studies and to raise eco-awareness about the Volyn Polissia, which provides the setting for Ukrainka’s drama and its adaptations, and currently faces environmental devastation from illegal amber mining.


Lesia Ukrainka 的森林之歌改编电影中的生态女性主义

本文提供了对 Viktor Ivchenko 的 Lisova pisnia (1961) 和 Yurii Illienko 的 Lisova pisnia 的开创性生态女性主义研究。Mavka (1980),两部苏联乌克兰电影改编自 Lesia Ukrainka 的同名童话剧(1911;森林之歌)。它着重于对性别和自然的相互关联的描绘以及该剧的意识形态和物质方面:男性中心主义和森林砍伐。这两部电影的制作与 Marko Pavlyshyn 所描述的 1960 年代苏联的“保护主义意识的出现”相吻合,并且可以说反映了这一点。因此,这篇文章的目标是双重的——为乌克兰电影研究带来新的生态女性主义见解,并提高对为乌克兰电影及其改编提供背景的 Volyn Polissia 的生态意识,