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Myxomatosis and Radioactivity in Carlos Saura’s La caza (The Hunt, 1966)
Environmental Humanities ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-01 , DOI: 10.1215/22011919-9481473
Fernando Varela 1

Abstract The myxoma virus (MYXV) was used in Australia in 1950 to control, albeit temporarily, the overpopulation of the invasive European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). A different strand of the virus was released in France two years later, resulting in the drastic decline of European rabbits in the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of Europe. The MYXV’s disease, myxomatosis, is a highly contagious and normally fatal infection in a rabbit species lacking resistance, such as the European rabbit. As myxomatosis was spreading across the European continent, Spain started to invest in nuclear energy. The use of myxomatosis as a bioweapon and the creation of nuclear energy capable of radioactive pollution are also at the core of Spanish filmmaker Carlos Saura’s La caza (The Hunt, 1966). This article argues that The Hunt provides an important examination on extinction and biopolitics at both local and global levels through its portrayal of myxomatosis and radioactivity.


Carlos Saura 的 La caza 中的粘液瘤病和放射性(The Hunt,1966 年)

摘要 粘液瘤病毒 (MYXV) 于 1950 年在澳大利亚被用于控制(尽管是暂时的)侵入性欧洲兔 (Oryctolagus cuniculus) 的过度繁殖。两年后,另一种病毒在法国被释放,导致伊比利亚半岛和欧洲其他地区的欧洲兔子数量急剧下降。MYXV 病,粘液瘤病,在缺乏抵抗力的兔子物种(如欧洲兔子)中是一种高度传染性且通常致命的感染。随着粘液瘤病在欧洲大陆蔓延,西班牙开始投资核能。使用粘液瘤病作为生物武器和产生能够产生放射性污染的核能也是西班牙电影制作人卡洛斯·索拉(Carlos Saura)的 La caza(The Hunt,1966 年)的核心。