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Frugal Knowledge Sharing for Frugal Innovation Diffusion in Africa
Journal of Global Information Management ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-01 , DOI: 10.4018/jgim.289221
Getachew H. Mengesha 1 , Richard Thomas Watson 2 , Solomon Negash 3

This study explores mechanisms of frugal knowledge sharing for frugal innovation diffusion drawing upon concepts from social capital and diffusion of innovation theories. Three frugal innovations projects from Uganda, Malawi, and Ethiopia are used to undertake a preliminary appraisal of a proposed theoretical model. The study identifies a frugal knowledge sharing mechanism based on “The Church lady model”. From a practice perspective, the study informs how to leverage social capital to facilitate frugal knowledge sharing. Insights drawn from this study cover the surrounding network structure, mode of communication, frugal knowledge sharing modalities, and the opportunity for combination and exchange to spark varied frugal IS innovation projects. From a research point of view, it serves as a basis for frugal knowledge management for frugal innovation diffusion in an African context.



本研究利用来自社会资本和创新理论传播的概念,探讨了节俭创新传播的节俭知识共享机制。来自乌干达、马拉维和埃塞俄比亚的三个节俭创新项目用于对提出的理论模型进行初步评估。该研究确定了一种基于“教会女士模型”的节俭知识共享机制。从实践的角度来看,该研究为如何利用社会资本促进节俭的知识共享提供了信息。从这项研究中得出的见解涵盖了周围的网络结构、沟通方式、节俭的知识共享方式以及组合和交流的机会,以激发各种节俭的 IS 创新项目。从研究的角度来看,