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Big Data Analytics Capability and Business Alignment for Organizational Agility
Journal of Global Information Management ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-01 , DOI: 10.4018/jgim.302915
Chaohong Xie 1 , Xianhao Xu 1 , Yeming Gong 2 , Jie Xiong 3

This paper investigates the impact of big data analytics capability (BDAC) on organizational agility under the moderating effect of BDAC–business alignment and its impact on performance through organizational agility. Data from a matched-pair survey of business, data technology, and financial executives in 161 organizations were used to examine the proposed research model. This paper used partial least squares–structural equation modeling and hierarchical component analysis to examine the data. The results suggest a positive mediation role of organizational agility in the relationship between big data analytics capability and organizational performance, except that the mediation effect of operational adjustment agility on BDAC and market performance is not statistically significant. This study also finds that alignment between the business strategy and the big data analytics strategy enhances the relationship between BDAC and market responsiveness agility. It proposes a new perspective which is to realize the value of BDAC in enhancing agility and performance.



本文研究了大数据分析能力 (BDAC) 在 BDAC-业务一致性的调节作用下对组织敏捷性的影响及其通过组织敏捷性对绩效的影响。来自对 161 个组织的业务、数据技术和财务主管的配对调查的数据被用来检查拟议的研究模型。本文使用偏最小二乘结构方程建模和层次成分分析来检查数据。结果表明,组织敏捷性在大数据分析能力与组织绩效之间的关系中具有正向中介作用,但运营调整敏捷性对 BDAC 和市场绩效的中介作用不显着。本研究还发现,业务战略与大数据分析战略之间的一致性增强了 BDAC 与市场响应敏捷性之间的关系。它提出了一个新的视角,即实现 BDAC 在提高敏捷性和性能方面的价值。