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Difficulties with telling the truth in non-fictive narratives and the issue of fictionalization
Narrative Inquiry ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-14 , DOI: 10.1075/ni.20101.fil
Katarzyna Filutowska 1

The purpose of this paper is to discuss difficulties with telling the truth in non-fictive narratives (e.g. trauma stories, rape narratives, asylum-seekers’ narratives). In order to do that I analyze, among others, various discourse fictionalization strategies, such as emplotment, narrative substances (Nss), vague predicates, and approximate references. I argue that these strategies are conditioned by the very nature of language, and therefore are present in all types of statements – literary as well as scientific. Referring to the concept of alethic pluralism, I also discuss how it is possible that the use of fictionalization techniques in non-fictive stories does not necessarily transform them into fiction.



本文的目的是讨论在非虚构叙事(例如创伤故事、强奸叙事、寻求庇护者的叙事)中说真话的困难。为了做到这一点,我分析了各种话语虚构化策略,例如情节、叙事实体(Nss)、模糊谓词和近似引用。我认为这些策略是由语言的本质决定的,因此存在于所有类型的陈述中——文学的和科学的。提到 alethic 多元主义的概念,我还讨论了如何在非虚构故事中使用虚构化技术不一定将它们转化为虚构。