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Translation skills required by Master’s graduates for employment: Which are needed, which are not?
Across Languages and Cultures ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-16 , DOI: 10.1556/084.2021.00012
Yu Hao 1 , Anthony Pym 1

AbstractThere is ongoing debate about which skills translation students require for employment. Numerous “bridge the gap” studies draw on translation professionals in order to list the skills that graduates should have acquired. However, many of the available surveys indicate, with some regularity, that only a minority of graduates from Master’s programs in translation actually find stable employment in the translation industry. Here we report on a survey of graduates from the University of Melbourne and the skills that they say they require once in employment. The graduates who are employed in the translation industry prioritize skills that are significantly different from those prioritized by graduates employed in other sectors. This raises an underlying question of whether we are training for an industry or for society.


