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Apnea central del sueño en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca: Efectos fisiológicos de la ventilación periódica
Karger Kompass Neumología Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1159/000514890
Simon-Dominik Herkenrath

<b>Background:</b> The effects of hyperventilation and hyperventilation in the context of periodic breathing (PB) on sympatho-vagal balance (SVB) and hemodynamics in conditions of decreased cardiac output and feedback resetting, such as heart failure (HF) or pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), are not completely understood. Objectives: To investigate the effects of voluntary hyperventilation and simulated PB on hemodynamics and SVB in healthy subjects, in patients with systolic HF and reduced or mid-range ejection fraction (HFrEF and HFmrEF) and in patients with PAH. <b>Methods:</b> Study participants (n = 20 per group) underwent non-invasive recording of diastolic blood pressure, heart rate variability (HRV), baroreceptor-reflex sensitivity (BRS), total peripheral resistance index (TPRI) and cardiac index (CI). All measurements were performed at baseline, during voluntary hyperventilation and during simulated PB with different length of the hyperventilation phase. <b>Results:</b> In healthy subjects, voluntary hyperventilation led to a 50% decrease in the mean BRS slope and a 29% increase in CI compared to baseline values (<i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.01 and <i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.05). Simulated PB did not alter TPRI or CI and showed heterogeneous effects on BRS, but analysis of dPBV revealed decreased sympathetic drive in healthy volunteers depending on PB cycle length (<i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.05). In HF patients, hyperventilation did not affect BRS and TPRI but increased the CI by 10% (<i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.05). In HF patients, simulated PB left all of these parameters unaffected. In PAH patients, voluntary hyperventilation led to a 15% decrease in the high-frequency component of HRV (<i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.05) and a 5% increase in CI (<i>p</i> &#x3c; 0.05). Simulated PB exerted neutral effects on both SVB and hemodynamic parameters. <b>Conclusions:</b> Voluntary hyperventilation was associated with sympathetic predominance and CI increase in healthy volunteers, but only with minor hemodynamic and SVB effects in patients with HF and PAH. Simulated PB had positive effects on SVB in healthy volunteers but neutral effects on SVB and hemodynamics in patients with HF or PAH.



<b>背景:</b> 过度换气和周期性呼吸 (PB) 情况下的过度换气对心输出量减少和反馈重置条件下的交感神经-迷走神经平衡 (SVB) 和血流动力学的影响,例如心力衰竭 (HF) ).) 或肺动脉高压 (PAH),尚未完全了解。目的:研究自愿过度换气和模拟 PB 对健康受试者、收缩性 HF 和射血分数降低或中等范围(HFrEF 和 HFmrEF)患者以及 PAH 患者的血流动力学和 SVB 的影响。<b>方法:</b> 研究参与者(每组 n = 20)接受了无创记录舒张压、心率变异性 (HRV)、压力感受器反射敏感性 (BRS)、总外周阻力指数 (TPRI)和心脏指数(CI)。所有测量均在基线、自愿过度换气期间和具有不同过度换气阶段长度的模拟 PB 期间进行。<b>结果:</b>在健康受试者中,与基线值相比,自愿过度换气导致平均 BRS 斜率降低 50%,CI 增加 29%(<i>p</i> x3c; 0.01 和 <i>p</i> < 0.05)。模拟的 PB 没有改变 TPRI 或 CI,并且对 BRS 有异质性影响,但对 dPBV 的分析显示,健康志愿者的交感神经驱动下降取决于 PB 周期长度 (<i>p</i> < 0.05)。在 HF 患者中,过度换气不影响 BRS 和 TPRI,但 CI 增加了 10% (<i>p</i> < 0.05)。在 HF 患者中,模拟 PB 不影响所有这些参数。在 PAH 患者中,自愿换气过度导致 HRV 的高频成分降低 15% (<i>p</i> < 0.05) 和 CI 增加 5% (<i>p</i> < ; 0.05)。模拟 PB 对 SVB 和血流动力学参数均产生中性影响。<b>结论:</b> 自愿过度换气与健康志愿者的交感神经优势和 CI 增加有关,但对 HF 和 PAH 患者的血流动力学和 SVB 影响较小。模拟 PB 对健康志愿者的 SVB 有积极影响,但对 HF 或 PAH 患者的 SVB 和血流动力学有中性影响。模拟 PB 对 SVB 和血流动力学参数均产生中性影响。<b>结论:</b> 自愿过度换气与健康志愿者的交感神经优势和 CI 增加有关,但对 HF 和 PAH 患者的血流动力学和 SVB 影响较小。模拟 PB 对健康志愿者的 SVB 有积极影响,但对 HF 或 PAH 患者的 SVB 和血流动力学有中性影响。模拟 PB 对 SVB 和血流动力学参数均产生中性影响。<b>结论:</b> 自愿过度换气与健康志愿者的交感神经优势和 CI 增加有关,但对 HF 和 PAH 患者的血流动力学和 SVB 影响较小。模拟 PB 对健康志愿者的 SVB 有积极影响,但对 HF 或 PAH 患者的 SVB 和血流动力学有中性影响。