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Editorial: Covid-19 Responses: Insights into Contemporary Humanitarianism
IDS Bulletin ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-29 , DOI: 10.19088/1968-2022.113
Jeremy Allouche , Dolf J.H. te Lintelo

The multifaceted nature of the Covid-19 pandemic has presented a crisis for the international humanitarian system, not only in terms of health impacts, but of socioeconomic challenges and increased inequalities. At a time when the number of people in need of assistance has drastically expanded, humanitarian funding has been cut as countries focus on their domestic economies. Moreover, pandemic responses have accelerated existing trends of eroding global refugee protection norms and regimes. International travel bans and lockdowns have impeded humanitarian access, thereby constraining conventional humanitarian response mechanisms and processes. Yet, the pandemic has given unanticipated impetus to the localisation agenda of the international humanitarian community. In the (partial) absence of state or international humanitarian responses, everyday forms of humanitarianism practised by and within local communities have been brought into sharp relief. These showcase a rich tapestry of actors, efforts, and solidarity practices that offer relief, typically at the micro level.


社论:Covid-19 回应:对当代人道主义的洞察

Covid-19 大流行的多面性给国际人道主义系统带来了危机,不仅在健康影响方面,而且在社会经济挑战和不平等加剧方面。在需要援助的人数急剧增加之际,由于各国将注意力集中在国内经济上,人道主义资金已被削减。此外,大流行应对措施加速了侵蚀全球难民保护规范和制度的现有趋势。国际旅行禁令和封锁阻碍了人道主义准入,从而限制了传统的人道主义响应机制和流程。然而,这一流行病意外地推动了国际人道主义界的本土化议程。在(部分)没有国家或国际人道主义响应的情况下,当地社区和在当地社区实行的日常人道主义形式已得到显着缓解。这些展示了演员、努力和团结实践的丰富挂毯,通常在微观层面上提供救济。