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Localising Refugee Assistance: Examining Refugee-Led Organisations and the Localisation Agenda During the Covid-19 Pandemic
IDS Bulletin ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-29 , DOI: 10.19088/1968-2022.115
Evan Easton-Calabria

Drawing on 70 interviews with humanitarians, members of governments, and civil society organisations, including refugee-led organisations, from major refugee-hosting countries in 2020 and 2021, this article explores the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on humanitarian localisation and international refugee commitments, notably the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR). It highlights the work and widening recognition of refugee-led organisations during the pandemic, examining how they could be more prominent within the broader localisation agenda and ways in which the GCR and accompanying Global Refugee Forum may have contributed to some of their greater recognition today. Informant perspectives are shared on challenges to localisation wrought by the pandemic, including limited time, lack of communication with beneficiaries, and constrained budgets, and recommendations are presented on how to further refugee leadership and localisation in the ongoing context of Covid-19.


本地化难民援助:在 Covid-19 大流行期间检查难民领导的组织和本地化议程

本文利用 2020 年和 2021 年对来自主要难民收容国的人道主义者、政府成员和民间社会组织(包括难民主导的组织)的 70 次采访,探讨了 Covid-19 大流行对人道主义本地化和国际难民的影响承诺,特别是《全球难民契约》(GCR)。它强调了大流行期间难民领导的组织的工作和不断扩大的认可,研究了它们如何在更广泛的本地化议程中更加突出,以及 GCR 和伴随的全球难民论坛可能为他们今天的一些更大认可做出贡献的方式。知情人士就大流行给本地化带来的挑战分享了观点,包括时间有限、与受益人缺乏沟通以及预算有限,