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Monitoring Systemic Change in Inclusive Agribusiness
IDS Bulletin ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-07 , DOI: 10.19088/1968-2022.107
Sietze Vellema , Greetje Schouten , Marijn Faling

Evaluations of private sector development programmes look at what changed to the workings of the system, and whether these changes are scalable, resilient, and sustainable. We present an evaluation lens that primarily qualifies changes to the systemic nature of food provisioning in markets. It converts theoretical frameworks into ‘antennae’ receptive to early signs of systemic effects of inclusive agribusiness that fosters food and nutrition security. The tools for this theory-informed approach were developed and applied in 2SCALE, a Dutch-funded programme aiming to incubate inclusive agribusiness and contribute to food and nutrition security goals in Africa. The article reflects on what to monitor to detect early signs of systemic effects and how monitoring can be embedded in unfolding business and partnering processes. It concludes that taking a theory-informed approach gives directionality to strategising and planning, and enhances capacities of partners in inclusive business projects to lead actions towards realising systemic effects.



对私营部门发展计划的评估着眼于系统运作的哪些变化,以及这些变化是否具有可扩展性、弹性和可持续性。我们提出了一个评估镜头,主要对市场上食品供应的系统性变化进行限定。它将理论框架转化为“触角”,以接受促进粮食和营养安全的包容性农业综合企业系统性影响的早期迹象。这种基于理论的方法的工具是在 2SCALE 中开发和应用的,这是一个由荷兰资助的计划,旨在孵化包容性农业综合企业并为非洲的粮食和营养安全目标做出贡献。这篇文章反映了监控什么以检测系统性影响的早期迹象,以及如何将监控嵌入到展开的业务和合作流程中。