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Commentary on Harrison: "Social Mechanisms of Stylistic Change"
Empirical Musicology Review ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-28 , DOI: 10.18061/emr.v15i3-4.8134
Samantha Burgess

This is a review of Harrison's (2021) paper "Social Mechanisms of Stylistic Change: A Case Study from Early 20th-Century France." In this study, Harrison found that the Apaches, a group of composers known for pushing stylistic boundaries in 20th-century France, employed slightly more instances of notated meter change in their music than a control group of their peers, but that the use of notated meter change also depended on other factors such as composers' generational membership. This commentary primarily explores Harrison's methodologies: while the stringent definitions Harrison defines for each variable in her studies allow for specificity in the statistical analyses, they leave out a large portion of perceptually relevant data that would lend greater musicological generalizability to the results presented.



这是对哈里森 (2021) 论文“文体变革的社会机制:20 世纪早期法国的案例研究”的评论。在这项研究中,哈里森发现,阿帕奇人是一群以在 20 世纪法国推动风格界限而闻名的作曲家,他们在音乐中使用的音符变化的实例略多于他们的同龄人对照组,但使用音符米的变化还取决于其他因素,例如作曲家的世代成员。这篇评论主要探讨了哈里森的方法:虽然哈里森在她的研究中为每个变量定义的严格定义允许统计分析中的特异性,但它们遗漏了大部分感知相关的数据,这些数据将为所呈现的结果提供更大的音乐学普遍性。