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Legal Care and Friction in Family Detention
Cultural Anthropology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-11 , DOI: 10.14506/ca36.2.06
Erin Routon

The modern instantiation of migrant family detention in the United States has resulted in the creation of carceral spaces in which conflict and care intermingle in everyday encounters. While legal advocates traversing these spaces offer critical aid to the detained, asylum-seeking parents and children confined within, legal advocacy is rarely recognized as caregiving work. Drawing from my ethnographic research with voluntary legal advocates working at family detention facilities in South Texas, this article demonstrates the potential for deploying a lens of care to such encounters, which I ultimately frame as “legal care.” I argue that cross-disciplinary conceptualizations of care, which emphasize its interdependency, relationality, and contested terrains (Puig de la Bellacasa 2017), as well as its practices as being marked by a continuous tinkering (Mol 2010), offer windows to reconfigurations of care and power that reside amid both the mundane and unpredictable frictions that characterize these environments.



美国对移民家庭拘留的现代实例化导致了监狱空间的产生,冲突和关怀在日常遭遇中交织在一起。虽然穿越这些空间的法律倡导者为被拘留、寻求庇护的父母和被限制在其中的儿童提供了重要的帮助,但法律倡导很少被认为是看护工作。从我与在德克萨斯州南部家庭拘留所工作的自愿法律倡导者进行的人种学研究中,本文展示了为此类遭遇部署关怀镜头的潜力,我最终将其称为“法律关怀”。我认为,护理的跨学科概念化强调其相互依存性、关系性和有争议的领域(Puig de la Bellacasa 2017),