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Semantic Structure in Deep Learning
Annual Review of Linguistics ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-14 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-linguistics-031120-122924
Ellie Pavlick 1

Deep learning has recently come to dominate computational linguistics, leading to claims of human-level performance in a range of language processing tasks. Like much previous computational work, deep learning–based linguistic representations adhere to the distributional meaning-in-use hypothesis, deriving semantic representations from word co-occurrence statistics. However, current deep learning methods entail fundamentally new models of lexical and compositional meaning that are ripe for theoretical analysis. Whereas traditional distributional semantics models take a bottom-up approach in which sentence meaning is characterized by explicit composition functions applied to word meanings, new approaches take a top-down approach in which sentence representations are treated as primary and representations of words and syntax are viewed as emergent. This article summarizes our current understanding of how well such representations capture lexical semantics, world knowledge, and composition. The goal is to foster increased collaboration on testing the implications of such representations as general-purpose models of semantics.


