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Power Hierarchies and Visibility in the News: Exploring Determinants of Politicians’ Presence and Prominence in the Chilean Press (1991–2019)
The International Journal of Press/Politics ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-29 , DOI: 10.1177/19401612221089482
Ximena Orchard 1 , Bastián González-Bustamante 2

This article studies determinants of political actors’ visibility in the news, and their stability over time, observing the press coverage received by Chilean politicians in the elite press since the beginning of the democratic transition in 1991 and until 2019. In dialogue with theories of news values, we test how political positions in a markedly presidential system, the belonging to a government coalition, gender, and the association to conflict frames behave as determinants of the presence and prominence of politicians in the news in the three decades following the recovery of democracy in Chile. We have three key findings. Firstly, the visibility of political actors in the news follows a clear institutional hierarchy led by the president and cabinet members. Secondly, female politicians are less likely to be mentioned or have speaking space in newspapers than male politicians. Lastly, although an association with conflict-framed news boosts politicians’ visibility, such association is unable to disturb structural power hierarchies, and the value of conflict does not increase over time.



本文研究了政治人物在新闻中的可见度的决定因素及其随时间的稳定性,观察了自 1991 年民主转型开始到 2019 年智利政治家在精英媒体中收到的新闻报道。与新闻理论的对话价值观,我们测试了在明显的总统制中的政治立场、政府联盟的归属、性别以及与冲突框架的关联,这些因素如何决定政治家在民主恢复后的三个十年中在新闻中的存在和重要性在智利。我们有三个主要发现。首先,政治人物在新闻中的可见度遵循由总统和内阁成员领导的明确的制度等级制度。第二,与男性政治家相比,女性政治家不太可能在报纸上被提及或拥有发言空间。最后,虽然与冲突框架新闻的关联提高了政治家的知名度,但这种关联无法扰乱结构性权力等级,而且冲突的价值不会随着时间的推移而增加。