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Cardiovascular and Self-Reported Recovery in Two-Shift Systems
Journal of Psychophysiology ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-01 , DOI: 10.1027/0269-8803/a000284
Lisa Stieler 1 , Bettina Hunger 2 , Reingard Seibt 1

Abstract. Recovery is necessary to maintain workers’ health and efficiency. Shift work has been associated with delayed recovery processes. The objective of this study was to examine the cardiovascular and self-reported recovery measures of German shift and day workers in the hotel and catering industry. Furthermore, it aimed to clarify to what extent shift groups differentiate given additional factors that influence recovery (ability to relax, lifestyle). The sample group consisted of 64 alternative shift workers (two-shift system with a low proportion of night work) and 96-day workers employed in the hotel and catering industry. Blood pressure monitoring was conducted for 24 hr during a working day, including the phases of work, leisure, and sleep, to assess cardiovascular reduction during leisure and sleep. The blood pressure status was measured over the course of a 4-day self-assessment period. Self-reported measures, including quality of sleep (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI), work-life balance (WPC), ability to relax (FABA), and lifestyle factors (physical activity, smoking, drinking), were assessed through questionnaires. Sixty-one participants (36%) were hypertensives. There were no significant effects of cardiovascular recovery regarding the reduction of blood pressure for the calculated differences between WORK – LEISURE, WORK – SLEEP, and LEISURE – SLEEP among shift and day workers. Shift workers reported a significantly less favorable work-life balance ( p = .017), a decreased ability to relax ( p = .001), and less regular physical activity ( p = .003). The workload within the two-shift system of the hotel and catering industry seems to have a lesser effect on cardiovascular means than on self-reported measures of recovery. The decisive factor is the ability to relax, which means psychological detachment from work. To enable a comprehensive recovery, an optimally designed recovery cycle is necessary for shift systems.



摘要。恢复对于维持工人的健康和效率是必要的。轮班工作与延迟恢复过程有关。本研究的目的是检查德国酒店和餐饮业轮班和日间工作人员的心血管和自我报告的恢复措施。此外,它旨在阐明考虑到影响恢复的其他因素(放松能力、生活方式),班组在多大程度上区分。样本组由 64 名轮班工人(夜班比例较低的两班制)和 96 名在酒店和餐饮业雇用的日间工人组成。在工作日期间进行 24 小时血压监测,包括工作、休闲和睡眠阶段,以评估休闲和睡眠期间的心血管减少情况。在为期 4 天的自我评估期间测量血压状态。通过问卷评估自我报告的措施,包括睡眠质量(匹兹堡睡眠质量指数,PSQI)、工作与生活平衡(WPC)、放松能力(FABA​​)和生活方式因素(体育活动、吸烟、饮酒)。61 名参与者 (36%) 患有高血压。对于轮班和日间工作人员之间计算的工作 - 休闲、工作 - 睡眠和休闲 - 睡眠之间的差异,心血管恢复对降低血压没有显着影响。轮班工人报告说工作与生活的平衡明显较差(p = .017),放松能力下降(p = .001),规律的身体活动减少(p = .003)。酒店和餐饮业两班制的工作量似乎对心血管疾病的影响要小于对自我报告的恢复措施的影响。决定性的因素是放松的能力,这意味着从工作中脱离出来的心理。为了实现全面恢复,轮班系统需要优化设计的恢复周期。