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Instrument Timbre Enhances Perceptual Segregation in Orchestral Music
Music Perception ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1525/mp.2021.38.5.473
Manda Fischer 1 , Kit Soden 2 , Etienne Thoret 2 , Marcel Montrey 2 , Stephen McAdams 2

Timbre perception and auditory grouping principles can provide a theoretical basis for aspects of orchestration. In Experiment 1, 36 excerpts contained two streams and 12 contained one stream as determined by music analysts. Streams—the perceptual connecting of successive events—comprised either single instruments or blended combinations of instruments from the same or different families. Musicians and nonmusicians rated the degree of segregation perceived in the excerpts. Heterogeneous instrument combinations between streams yielded greater segregation than did homogeneous ones. Experiment 2 presented the individual streams from each two-stream excerpt. Blend ratings on isolated individual streams from the two-stream excerpts did not predict global segregation between streams. In Experiment 3, Experiment 1 excerpts were reorchestrated with only string instruments to determine the relative contribution of timbre to segregation beyond other musical cues. Decreasing timbral differences reduced segregation ratings. Acoustic and score-based descriptors were extracted from the recordings and scores, respectively, to statistically quantify the factors involved in these effects. Instrument family, part crossing, consonance, spectral factors related to timbre, and onset synchrony all played a role, providing evidence of how timbral differences enhance segregation in orchestral music.



音色感知和听觉分组原则可以为管弦乐的各个方面提供理论基础。在实验 1 中,36 个片段包含两个流,12 个包含一个流,由音乐分析师确定。流——连续事件的感知连接——包括单一乐器或来自相同或不同家族的乐器的混合组合。音乐家和非音乐家对摘录中感知到的隔离程度进行了评分。流之间的异质仪器组合产生了比均质仪器更大的分离。实验 2 展示了每个两流摘录中的各个流。来自两个流摘录的孤立单个流的混合评级并未预测流之间的全局隔离。在实验 3 中,实验 1 的片段仅用弦乐器重新编排,以确定音色对分离的相对贡献,而不是其他音乐线索。减少音色差异会降低分离等级。分别从录音和分数中提取声学和基于分数的描述符,以统计量化这些影响中涉及的因素。乐器家族、声部交叉、和声、与音色相关的频谱因素和起始同步都发挥了作用,为音色差异如何增强管弦乐中的分离提供了证据。统计量化这些影响所涉及的因素。乐器家族、声部交叉、和声、与音色相关的频谱因素和起始同步都发挥了作用,为音色差异如何增强管弦乐中的分离提供了证据。统计量化这些影响所涉及的因素。乐器家族、声部交叉、和声、与音色相关的频谱因素和起始同步都发挥了作用,为音色差异如何增强管弦乐中的分离提供了证据。