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Research progress of carbon materials in the field of three-dimensional printing polymer nanocomposites
Nanotechnology Reviews ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-01 , DOI: 10.1515/ntrev-2022-0051
Li Bianhong 1, 2 , Qi Wei 3 , Wu Qiong 2, 4

Abstract Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology is an additive manufacturing technology designed to rapidly process and manufacture complex geometrical components based on computer model design. Based on a 3D data model, materials are accumulated layer by layer through computer control, and the 3D model is finally turned into a stereoscopic object. Compared with traditional manufacturing methods, 3D printing technology has the advantages of saving man-hours, easy operation, no need for molds, and strong controllability of component geometry. With the development of this technology, according to the core materials and equipment and other elements of the printing molding technology, several types of 3D printing technologies such as fused deposition modeling, selective laser sintering, stereolithography, and solvent cast-3D printing have gradually formed. This review focuses on the principles and characteristics of several of the most representative 3D printing molding processes. And based on carbon nanomaterial (carbon fibers, graphene, and carbon nanotubes) reinforced polymer composite materials, the research progress of different 3D printing molding processes in recent years is reviewed. At the same time, the commercial application of 3D printing molding process in this field is analyzed and prospected.



摘要 三维(3D)打印技术是一种增材制造技术,旨在基于计算机模型设计快速加工制造复杂的几何部件。以3D数据模型为基础,通过计算机控制逐层积累素材,最终将3D模型转化为立体物体。与传统制造方式相比,3D打印技术具有节省工时、操作简便、无需模具、部件几何形状可控性强等优点。随着该技术的发展,根据打印成型技术的核心材料和设备等要素,形成了熔融沉积成型、选择性激光烧结、立体光刻、光固化成型等几类3D打印技术。溶剂浇注-3D打印逐渐形成。本篇综述重点介绍几种最具代表性的 3D 打印成型工艺的原理和特点。并以碳纳米材料(碳纤维、石墨烯、碳纳米管)增强聚合物复合材料为基础,综述了近年来不同3D打印成型工艺的研究进展。同时对3D打印成型工艺在该领域的商业应用进行了分析和展望。综述了近年来不同3D打印成型工艺的研究进展。同时对3D打印成型工艺在该领域的商业应用进行了分析和展望。综述了近年来不同3D打印成型工艺的研究进展。同时对3D打印成型工艺在该领域的商业应用进行了分析和展望。