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LinkedIn(to) Job Opportunities: Experimental Evidence from Job Readiness Training
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-01 , DOI: 10.1257/app.20200025
Laurel Wheeler 1 , Robert Garlick 2 , Eric Johnson 3 , Patrick Shaw 3 , Marissa Gargano 3

Online professional networking platforms are widely used and may help workers to search for and obtain jobs. We run the first randomized evaluation of training work seekers to join and use one of the largest platforms, LinkedIn. Training increases the end-of-program employment rate by 10 percent (7 percentage points), and this effect persists for at least 12 months. The available employment, platform use, and job search data suggest that employment effects are explained by work seekers using the platform to acquire information about prospective employers and perhaps by work seekers accessing referrals and conveying information to prospective employers on the platform. (JEL J22, J23, J24, J64, M53, O15)


LinkedIn(to) 工作机会:来自工作准备培训的实验证据

在线专业网络平台被广泛使用,可以帮助工人寻找和获得工作。我们对培训求职者进行第一次随机评估,以加入和使用最大的平台之一,LinkedIn。培训使项目结束时的就业率提高了 10%(7 个百分点),这种影响至少会持续 12 个月。可用的就业、平台使用和求职数据表明,就业影响可以通过求职者使用平台获取有关潜在雇主的信息来解释,也可能是求职者在平台上访问推荐并将信息传达给潜在雇主。(JEL J22、J23、J24、J64、M53、O15)