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Reexamining the Contribution of Public Health Efforts to the Decline in Urban Mortality
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-01 , DOI: 10.1257/app.20190034
D. Mark Anderson 1 , Kerwin Kofi Charles 2 , Daniel I. Rees 3

Using data on 25 major American cities for the period 1900–1940, we explore the effects of municipal-level public health efforts that were viewed as critical in the fight against foodborne and waterborne diseases. In addition to studying interventions such as treating sewage and setting bacteriological standards for milk, which have received little attention, we provide new evidence on the effects of water filtration and chlorination, extending the work of previous scholars. Although water filtration is associated with an 11–12 percent reduction in infant mortality, none of the other interventions under study appear to have contributed to the observed mortality declines. (JEL H75, I12, I18, J13, Q18, Q51, Q53)



我们使用 1900 年至 1940 年期间美国 25 个主要城市的数据,探讨市级公共卫生工作的影响,这些工作被视为对抗食源性疾病和水源性疾病的关键。除了研究处理污水和为牛奶设定细菌学标准等干预措施外,我们还为水过滤和氯化的影响提供了新的证据,扩展了以前学者的工作。尽管水过滤与婴儿死亡率降低 11-12% 有关,但研究中的其他干预措施似乎都没有促成观察到的死亡率下降。(JEL H75、I12、I18、J13、Q18、Q51、Q53)